Do you know what happens when you throw glass packaging in the green igloo-shaped bin? That you set in motion a perfect circle.
By recycling glass packaging, you are fighting against the climate change by avoiding CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. And you also take care of Earth, as you reuse natural resources.
This is what you achieve when you initiate the recycling chain. Learn about all its stages, from depositing the container in the bin to it becoming a new one.
More than 7 out of 10 glass packaging items are recycled
Every citizen recycles 19,8 Kg of glass packaging a year
Recycling information on glass packaging
The numbers speak for themselves. Here you will find the recycling figures for glass packaging in Spain. Aren't you interested in knowing how much is recycled in your town, city or region?
We give you two outstanding figures and remember that you can consult the data by region, province and municipality below.
You excitedly start cooking. You empty the jar, and now you have to separate it. We know that you hate leaving things in a mess, so we've come up with the solution: the Miniglú. It is the ideal mini-bin for your kitchen; it's so cute that you won't be able to resist it. And, you will be helping a charity, as the profits from their sale are destined to social causes.
Miniglú is the ideal mini-bin for your kitchen; it's so cute that you won't be able to resist it. And, you will be helping a charity, as the profits from their sale are destined to social causes.
El secretario de Estado de Medio Ambiente, Hugo Morán, ha hecho entrega hoy del premio ‘Personalidad Ambiental’ de Ecovidrio al explorador Ramón Larramendi, considerado uno de los grandes exploradores polares de nuestro tiempo. La entrega de este galardón ha tenido lugar hoy en la XXV edición de los Premios Ecovidrio que reconocen a aquellos profesionales, instituciones, entidades y proyectos cuya labor en favor del desarrollo sostenible, el medioambiente, la economía circular y la lucha contra el cambio climático ha sido especialmente destacable.
Ecovidrio, el único SCRAP especializado que gestiona sobre el terreno la recogida selectiva y da respuesta a la sostenibilidad de los envases de vidrio desde el origen, ha presentado hoy su nuevo Plan Estratégico 2025-2030. Esta ambiciosa hoja de ruta contempla una inversión de 743 millones de euros con la que Ecovidrio se compromete a alcanzar los objetivos de tasa de reciclado de envases de vidrio que establece la legislación en 2027 – con tres años de antelación - y además a superar el 80% en 2030, cinco puntos por encima de lo que exige Europa para esta fecha.
Ecovidrio, el único SCRAP especializado en vidrio que gestiona sobre el terreno la recogida selectiva y da respuesta a la sostenibilidad de los envases desde el origen, ha nombrado a Beatriz Martín como nueva directora de Finanzas y Empresas Adheridas. Tras más de cinco años en Ecovidrio, Beatriz asume este cargo con el objetivo de fortalecer el servicio ofrecido a la industria que envasa en vidrio con una respuesta única para la sostenibilidad de todos sus envases.
Climate change, sustainability, biodiversity, interesting facts about recycling and circular economy... If you want to be up-to-date on the latest environmental news and trends, visit our Spanish version of our blog.
Green, pink, with flowers, with a rainbow... whichever the model, the miniglú is the small bin for separating glass packaging at home. Go to the online store and ask for yours now!
If you have a large eco and you are concerned about the environment, this is your online community. Go there, register, share your initiatives on sustainability, recycling and environmental protection, and vote on those you most like.
Being up-to-date on sustainability, biodiversity and circular economy is as easy as visiting our blog and subscribing to our newsletter. What are you waiting for?
Discover the environmental volunteer programme led by people over 60 years old that care about the environment and future generations. Can we count on you to lead the change?
Green, pink, with flowers, with a rainbow... whichever the model, the miniglú is the small bin for separating glass packaging at home. Go to the online store and ask for yours now!
If you have a large eco and you are concerned about the environment, this is your online community. Go there, register, share your initiatives on sustainability, recycling and environmental protection, and vote on those you most like.
Being up-to-date on sustainability, biodiversity and circular economy is as easy as visiting our blog and subscribing to our newsletter. What are you waiting for?
Discover the environmental volunteer programme led by people over 60 years old that care about the environment and future generations. Can we count on you to lead the change?